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Please Note: While we strive to carry a great perennial selection throughout the season, we cannot guarantee constant availability of ALL specific varieties featured. Varieties listed below are those that we most often have and will continue to carry. We often have other varieties (not listed below) of any given species throughout the season to meet requests for colours/sizes/etc. Please feel free to contact us if you have a specific species/cultivar/variety in mind that is not included on our website.
Yarrow (Assorted Varieties & Colours)
Achillea ssp. H: up to 20" W: 20" to Spreading Full Sun Zone 3 Drought tolerant, prefers poor/sandy soils (low fertility). Flowers are long lasting (great for cut flowers). Summer bloomer. Multiple cultivated selections (shades of white, yellow, pink, orange & red) as well as Alberta native; Common Yarrow (white). Has medicinal properties |
Aconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsii' H: 36" - 42" W: 24" (Vertical Accent) Part Shade to Full Sun Zone 3 Prefers consistent moisture. Old fashioned favorite makes a great cut flower. Mid-late summer bloomer. Most parts of plant can be toxic if ingested (particularly roots). Pictured variety is Arendsii (usually the only variety we carry). |
Actaea (AKA: Cimcifuga) H: 24" - 36" W: 12" - 16" (Vertcal Accent) Part shade to full shade Zone 3/4 Prefers rich, moist to average soils. Produces sweetly fragrant white spike blooms in late summer. Slow growing and long lived. Very hardy once established. Does best with dappled light (woodland garden). A true Sunstar favorite! We love this perennial. Varieties we carry include: Hillside Black Beauty & Brunette. |
Goutweed/Goat's Foot
Aegopodium podagraria H: 12"-24" W: Spreading (aggressive) Full Sun to Full Shade Zone 3 Very vigorous ground cover, can be invasive, suited for areas where it is contained or can take over. Best used in areas hard to maintain or where difficult to grow other plants (dry or "dead" areas). Once established it is quite difficult to remove. Can be just the right thing for tough to grow spots. |
Ajuga reptans H: 6" (or less) W: Spreading Part Sun to Full Shade Zone 3 Easy growing groundcover with glossy black/purple scalloped foliage. Very impactful planted en masse. Grown predominantly for dense foliage but does produce low showy blue-purple spike flowers in spring. Varieties we carry include: Black Scallop, Chocolate Chip and the Feathered Friends series. |
Hollyhock (Various colours)
Alcea Rosea H: 36" to 60" (Variety dependant) W: 24" to 36" (Vertical Accent) Full Sun to Part Sun Zone 3 Old fashioned favorite! Tall spikes of showy hibiscus-like blooms in Summer. Self-seeds readily but is not invasive. Easy grower available in many shades. Some varieties we carry include: Chaters & Gallery Series' |
Lady's Mantle
Alchemilla mollis H: 16" to 24" W: 20" to 36" (Mounding Form) Full Sun to Full Shade Zone 3 Prefers adequate moisture. Easy grower with scalloped grey-green foliage and sprays of tiny yellow blooms in late-spring. Mounding to spreading form, can make great groundcover when planted en masse. Typically grown for the unique foliage that catches dew and rain creating jeweled look. Considered have medicinal properties. We usually only carry the Thriller variety. |
Millennium Ornamental Onion
Allium H: up to 24" W: up to 24" Full Sun Zone 3 Prefers well drained soil but is quite adaptable. Very durable and easy to grow. Loved by bees and butterflies. Very showy globe-shaped bloom bunches produced in Spring. Long bloomtime. Seems unaffected by pests and diseases. |
Bog Rosemary
Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice' H: up to 10" W: up to 20" Full Sun to Part Shade Zone 3 Low mounding form. Prefers moist acidic soil with plenty of organic matter so we recommend planting with lots of compost and treating Bog Rosemary to an Evergreen or acidifying fertilizer each year. Best performance in sheltered location. The small, coarse blue leaves give this shrub great texture. Pink flowers in the spring add to the overall appearance against the blue leaves. A unique specimen for any garden looking for a nice blue colour. If you want something different than your neighbour, why not try one of these. |
Snowdrop Anemone
Anenome sylvestris H: 12" to 20" (with flower) W: 12" + (Spreading) Zone 3 Full Sun to Part Shade Prefers moist, well-drained soils. Spreading form. Dense dark green foliage with abundant nodding white blooms in spring. Great in a woodland garden (dappled light) and/or planted en masse. Low maintenance and easy to grow. Closely related to Alberta Native Wildflower Anemone canandensis (Also often available) |
Antennaria diocia & carpatica H: 4" to 6" (with flower) W: 10" + (Slow spreading) Full Sun Zone 2 Prefers well drained soils with low fertility (sandy/poor). A native wildflower found in sunny Alberta prairies. Forms very dense carpet of fine grey foliage. Great as a groundcover. Produces downy blooms in spring that resemble the toes of a kitty cat. Very hardy, durable and drought tolerant once established. Often available in White or Pink. |
Aquilegia H: 12"-20" W: 12"-20" Part Shade to Full Sun Zone 3 Prefers moist but well-drained soils. Extremely unique blooms above mound of delicate lobed foliage in late spring/early summer. Great for dappled light (woodland garden). Not particularly long lived perennial but will sometimes set seed. Available in many colours (solid and bi-colour) and bloom types (singles & doubles). Some varieties we carry include: Songbird Mix, Kirigami Mix, Bluebird and Black Barlow. |

H: 6"
w: 12" (Slow spreading/Low mounding)
Full Sun
Zone 4
Prefers good drainage. Will not tolerate moist soils (especially pre/post winter). Alpine groundcover producing abundant fragrant white blooms in Spring. Long bloomtime. Drought tolerant. Resistant to deer and rabbits. Requires sheltered location and/or winter protection in our climate.
H: 6"
w: 12" (Slow spreading/Low mounding)
Full Sun
Zone 4
Prefers good drainage. Will not tolerate moist soils (especially pre/post winter). Alpine groundcover producing abundant fragrant white blooms in Spring. Long bloomtime. Drought tolerant. Resistant to deer and rabbits. Requires sheltered location and/or winter protection in our climate.
Kinnickkinnick / Bearberry
Arctostaphylus uva-ursi H: up to 6" W: Slow Spreading Full Sun to Full Shade Zone 2 Native groundcover. Prefers acidic, well drained soils with low fertility. Found naturally in forests and hillsides. Great for erosion control on sandy slopes. Produces small pinkish-white bell shaped flowers in spring followed by bright red berries that persist into winter. Berries are edible but are flavorless and mealy, enjoyed by wildlife. Leathery often foliage turns red-orange in fall (can sometimes stay green). Plant of significance to First Nations People. |
Armeria maritima H: up to 8" (with flower) W: up to10" Full to Part Sun Zone 3 Good drainage essential. Prefers poor soils with low fertility. Salt tolerant. Tidy mound forming perennial with pink round flowers in Spring. Will rebloom if sheared after first flush. Petite and showy. Great for rock gardens. Some varieties we carry include: Splendons (pictured), Black-leaved & Nifty Thrifty. |
Artemesia schmidtiana 'Nana' H: 10"-12" W: 12"-24" Part Sun to Full Shade Zone 3 Good drainage essential & prefers poor/sandy soils. Dome shaped silver foliage. Will get leggy when fertilized or if planted in rich soil. Drought tolerant when established. Shear in mid to late June to maintain shape if "flopping" (can be caused by rich soils). Thrives on neglect. Drought tolerant once established. |
Dwarf Goat's Beard
Aruncus aethusifolius H: up to 12" (including flower) W: up to 16" Part Shade to Full Sun Zone 3 Prefers rich soils with adequate moisture. Prefers cooler locations. Foamy cream coloured spike blooms in late spring above mound of ferny foliage. Will not rebloom with shearing. Spent blooms can be trimmed or left for winter interest. Great for woodland gardens and/or waterside plantings. |
Giant Goatsbeard
Aruncus dioicus H: up to 48" W: up to 36" Part Shade to Full Sun Zone 3 Prefers rich soils with adequate moisture. Prefers cooler locations. Large upright grower. Produces foamy cream coloured spike blooms in late spring/early summer. Great for woodland gardens, waterside plantings and/or anywhere a space filler is required. |
Aster (assorted varieties)
Aster alpigenus, dumosus, novae-angliae & novi-belgii H: 12"-24" W: 12"-24" Full Sun Zone 4 Prefers consistently moist but well-drained soils with good fertility (rich soils). Very late Summer/Early fall bloomer. Benefits from a sheltered location. Some varieties we carry include: Native Alpine, Purple Dome, Wood's Series & Island Series. |
Astilbe, Arendsii Group (Assorted varieties & colours)
Astilbe arendsii H: 16"-36" (with flower) W: 12"-24" Size varies with variety Part Sun to Full Shade Zone 3 Prefers moist soils with good fertility. Most common group of Astilbe varieties. Generally taller and earlier season bloomers (Late Spring). Will tolerate more sun if provided adequate moisture. Some Arendsii Astilbe varieties that we carry include: Fanal (all-time favorite - pictured), Amethyst, Bridal Veil, Look At Me, |
Astilbe, Chinensis Group (Assorted varieties & colours)
Astilbe chinensis H: 16"-36" (with flower) W: 12"-24" Size varies with variety Part Sun to Full Shade Zone 3 Prefers moist soils with good fertility. Later blooming Astilbe group often with finely cut deep green foliage and sturdy stems. More tolerant of hot & dry conditions than other astilbes but still performs best with adequate moisture. Mid-Summer bloomers. Includes some giant varieties (Mighty Chocolate Cherry) and varieties with colourful foliage (Colour Flash Series) other varieties we carry include: Purple Rain, Delft Lace, Black Pearls & Vision Series. |
Elephant Ears (AKA: Pig Squeak)
Bergenia cordifolia H: 12"-24" (with flower) W: Spreading Full Sun to Full Shade Zone 3 Very versatile groundcover that is drought and moisture tolerant. Pink flowers in early spring. Glossy, semi-evergreen foliage turns orange-red to dark purple as the weather gets cold in fall. Spreading by surface rhizomes (roots) at an average growth rate. Great for hard to grow areas, low maintenance edging plant or planted en masse. |
Siberian Bugloss
Brunnera macrophylla H: 12" - 24" W: 24" - 36" Part Sun to Full Shade Zone 3 Hardy (native to Siberia) easy to grow plant preferring humusy soils with adequate moisture but drought tolerant once established. Mounding/Spreading form, producing solid green heart shaped foliage with sprays of airy true-blue flowers in spring. More sun tolerant than the variegated varieties. |
Variegated Siberian Bugloss
Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' & 'Emerald Mist' H: 12" - 24" W: 24" - 36" Part to Full Shade Zone 3 Hardy (native to Siberia) easy to grow plant preferring humusy soils with adequate moisture but drought tolerant once established. Mounding/Spreading form. Silver interior-variegated heart shaped foliage and sprays of airy true-blue flowers in spring. Less sun tolerant than solid green variety. Some varieties we carry include: Jack Frost, Emerald Mist & Alexander the Great. |
Carpathian Bellflower (AKA: Clips)
Campanula carpatica H: 4" - 8" W: 8" - 12" Full to Part Sun Zone 3 Very tidy & compact mound forming with showy blue or white flowers in Spring through Summer (particularly if shorn/deadheaded occasionally). Prefers free draining soil but with consistent moisture especially when getting established. Performs best with full sun but in a cooler location (likes cool root zone). In hot areas bellflowers benefit from protection(part shade) from high heat in the afternoons. Not long lived when planted in hot/humid areas. |
Snow in Summer
Cerastium tomentosum H: 12" W: 24" - 36" Spreading Mat Full sun Zone 3 Old fashioned favorite! Salt and drought tolerant, preferring poor well-draining soils. Quick spreading mat form. Self seeds readily when planted in ideal conditions. Attractive silver foliage is covered in snow white blooms in Late Spring/Early Summer. Great as a tough groundcover in dry or hard to plant areas or on slopes. Can be cut back hard after flowering to maintain tidy foliage and prevent seeding. |
Pink Turtlehead
Chelone obliqua H: 24" - 36" W: 18" - 24" Full Sun to Part Shade Zone 3 Sturdy upright habit, producing unique pink blooms in Late Summer into Fall that resemble the head of a turtle. Prefers cool, consistantly moist soils with good fertility/high in organic matter. Performs best in bright dappled/filtered light (woodland garden). Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies and makes a good cut flower. Great in a bog or rain garden or waterside location. Regular watering is essential when establishing (first year or two after planting) |
Mammoth Series Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum morifolium H: 24" W: 24" Full Sun Zone 3/4 Very showy late season bloomer. Dense mound forming foliage produces abundant ''Dasiy'' like blooms in very late summer into fall providing interest when many other plants are going dormant. Late season blooming/performance reflects the care provided to the plant throughout spring and summer. Prefers free-draining soils with consistant moisture and good fertility. Plant early in season (spring/early summer) for best blooms and winter hardiness. Also recommended to leave foliage to be cut down in Spring as opposed to Fall (providing extra winter insulation) Comes in a variety of shades. Some of the varieties we carry include: Dark Pink, Red Daisy & Lavender Daisy. |
Lily of the Valley
Convallaria majalis H: 6" - 10" W: Spreading Part Sun to Full Shade Zone 2 Vigorous spreading groundcover, will quickly fill an area. Spreading by inderground rhizomes. Sometimes needs to be contained. Prefers Dappled/filtered light but quite adaptable once established and spreading. Produces dainty, surprisingly fragrant, nodding white flowers in early spring. Closely related to Alberta native Maianthemum canadense or Wild Lily of the Valley (often available at Sunstar). Great easy-growing filler for shady areas, along the house or under trees. Occasionally available in pink blooming variety. |
Tickseed (Assorted Varieties)
Coreopsis verticillata H: 24"-36" W: 24"-36" Full to Part Sun Zone 3 Easy grower, tolerant of heat and drought (once established) Many varieties available providing many choices of bloom size and colour, foliage texture and habit. Prefers well-drained soils and full sun (will tolerate part sun in well-drained soils). Will self-seed in ideal conditions. Abundant, showy blooms produced all summer. Some varieties we carry include: Early Sunrise, SunKiss, Moonbeam and Zagreb. |
Larkspur (Assorted Varieties)
Delphinium H: 36" - 60" (Variety dependent) W: 24" - 36" Full Sun to Part Shade Zone 3 An Old Fashioned Favorite! Produces very showy spike blooms above mounding forming foliage in early to mid summer, and often again in late summer early fall if spent blooms removed. Great vertical accent for the back of the perennial garden. Blooms may require staking in exposed or windier areas. There are also sturdier dwarf varieties on the market now. Prefers a cool location with rich, fertile soils that are moist but free-draining. Benifits from regular fertilizer applications throughout the growing season. Best blooming will be in full sun but does not tolerate hot locations. Loved by bees and butterflies. Related to Monkshood, Larkspur can be somewhat toxic if ingested. Some of the varieties we carry include: Dark-Blue, Light-Blue and Rose with White bee as well as; Blue Butterfly, Magic Fountain Series and New Millennium Dwarf Stars Mix. |
Maiden/Border Pinks (Assorted Varieties)
Dianthus deltoides H: 6" - 8" (with flowers) W: 12" to Spreading Full Sun Zone 3 Vigorous, mat-forming free-flowering perennial producing abundant fringed blooms in LATE-SPRING/EARLY SUMMER through SUMMER (especially if sheared/deadheaded). Easy grower and very showy. Can be transplanted/split easily and well sometimes self-seed in ideal conditions. Somewhat soil adaptable but does prefer well-drained soils overall. Usually comes in red/pink/white shades. Some of the varieties we carry include: Brilliant, Arctic Fire, Zing Rose and Flashing Lights. |
Cheddar Pinks (Assorted Varieties)
Dianthus gratianopolitanus H: 8" - 12" W: 12" - 24" Full Sun Zone 3 Clump to large mound forming. Somewhat more upright facing than Maiden Pinks, usually with bluish silver foliage. Produces abundant fringed blooms in LATE-SPRING / EARLY SUMMER through SUMMER (especially if sheared/deadheaded) Easy grower and very showy. Can be transplanted/split easily and well sometimes self-seed in ideal conditions. Somewhat soil adaptable but does prefer well-drained soils overall. Usually comes in red/pink/white shades. Some of the varieties we carry include: Firewitch (pictured left), Kahori, Neon Star, Fire Star, and Sweetness Mix. |
Fern-leaf Bleeding Heart
Dicentra formosa H: up to 20" W: 24" (Will spread out even larger after a few seasons) Part Sun to Full Shade Zone 3 Cutleaf (laceleaf) version of bleeding heart with reddish-pink flowers in EARLY SUMMER then sporadically until fall. Prefers rich, moist (but not soggy) free-draining soils. May tolerate Full Sun with additional moisture. Bleeding hearts are long lived and will eventually spread out a bit. If planted in sunny or hot area it will die back (go dormant) early after flowering but will still come up next year. Some of the varieties we carry include: Luxuriant, Aurora, |
Common / Old Fashioned Bleeding Hearts
Dicentra spectabilis H: 24" - 36" W: 24" - 36" (Will spread out even larger after a few seasons) Part Sun to Full Shade Zone 3 Apple green foliage with dainty heart-shaped flowers on arching stems in EARLY SUMMER then sporadically until fall. Prefers rich, moist (but not soggy) free-draining soils. May tolerate Full Sun with additional moisture. Bleeding hearts are long lived and will eventually spread out a bit. If planted in sunny or hot area it will die back (go dormant) early after flowering but will still come up next year. Some of the varieties we carry include: Pink, White, Valentine, Gold Hearts, |
Digitalis purpurea H: 24" - 36" (with flower) W: 12" - 24" Full Sun to Part Shade Zone 4 Unique and loved by bees and hummingbirds. Showy spikes of tubular bells produced in Early/Mid Summer above green basal foliage. Performs best in a rich, moist soils but is quite adaptable. Best impact when planted in groups of 3 or more. Older Foxglove varieties are true biennials but we stock varieties that tend to bloom in their first year. Considered a short lived perennial but will set seed regularly in ideal conditions. Seedlings that appear can be easily moved in their first season, while still small. Some first year blooming varieties we carry include: Camelot mix, Foxy Mix and Arctic Fox Rose |
Purple Coneflower (Assorted Varieties)
Echinacea purpurea H: 16" - 36" (with flower) W: 12" - 24" Full Sun Zone 4 Another plant loved by bees & butterflies. Showy daisy-like blooms in Mid to Late Summer available in multiple shades. Sturdy stems and cone-shaped seedheads will persist into winter and provide food for birds. Can be a tricky grower (hard to establish) but thrives on neglect. Requires good snow cover through winter but can be sensitive to soggy soils in spring. Prefers poor fertility and poor/sandy/rocky well drained soils. Once established, coneflowers are drought and heat tolerant and may set seed in ideal conditions. Best planted en masse and in drifts or in areas left to naturalize. Some varieties we carry include: Cheyenne Spirit, Pow Wow Wildberry, White Swan, Prairie Splendor Rose, and more! |
Sea Holly
Eryngium H: 6'' - 36" (Variety Dependant) W: up to 12" Full Sun Zone 3 Tough, salt-tolerant coastal perennial with spiny green foliage and producing unique spiky flowers beginning in summer and lasting into fall, especially if deadheaded occasionally. Makes a good, long lasting cut flower Varieties available are usually with a powder-blue flower but there are white flowering varieties as well. Prefers well-drained, sandy soils with low fertility and lots of sun, avoid fertilizing this perennial. Good winter drainage is essential (will not tolerate wet soils, especially while dormant). Somewhat spreading over time to create a "stand". Does not transplant well so only try to move the smallest plants and then leave them be. Drought tolerant once established. |
Joe Pye Weed
Eupatorium purpureum/maculatum/dubium H: 36" - 60" (Variety Dependant) W: 24" - 36" Full Sun to Part Shade Zone 4 Large, sturdy moisture loving perennial producing clusters of pink blooms from mid-late summer into fall. Will tolerate more sun with adequate moisture and likewise can handle drier soils with more shade. Overall, Joe Pye Weed prefers a rich evenly moist soils. Loved by bees and butterflies and stunning at full height. Dwarf varieties exist as well. Seedheads left standing in winter provide interest and welcome food for birds. Deer and rabbit resistant. Some varieties we carry include: Gateway, Little Joe, Chocolate, Ruby and Little Joe. |
Cushion Spurge
Euphorbia polychroma H: up to 18" W: up to 24" Full to Part Sun Zone 3 Old fashioned favorite. Mounding, clump-forming. Stunning bright yellow bractlets cover the plant in Spring. Easy grower. Can be cut back in late June to keep tidy form until end of season. Resurging in popularity over the past few years. Foliage turns beautiful shades of red/orange/purple in fall. Drought tolerant once established and resistant to deer and rabbits. Prefers poor/rocky/sandy well-drained soils. Too much fertilizer can cause/worsen flopping. Milky sap produced when cut can be an irritant to eyes and skin. All parts of this plant are considered toxic if ingested. Pictures don't do this perennial justice, we often see customers looking for this plant because they saw it in a friend/neighbour's garden and have to have it. |
Meadowsweet / Queen of the Prairie
Filipendula rubra H: 24" - 36" W: 24" - 36" Full Sun to Part Shade Zone 3 Prefers adequate soil moisture (especially in full sun locations) and rich soils, tolerant of clay! Upright sprays of airy pink flower plumes above deeply toothed green foliage in Late Spring through Summer. Both foliage and flowers are somewhat fragrant. Self-seeds freely in ideal conditions and deadheading does not extend bloom time so leave the seedheads after flowers die back, allowing plant to self-seed. Great planted en masse and allowed to form a stand or colony. Foliage can scorch or decline without enough soil moisture. Some varieties we carry include: Venusta, Kahome and a low-growing variety called Red Umbrellas. |
Blanket Flower
Gaillardia x grandiflora H: up to 12" W: Spreading Full to Part Sun Zone 3 Forms low, thick, spreading mat. Prefers poor/rocky/sandy well drained soils. Daisy-like blooms cover dense rough textured foliage from Early-Summer into Fall. Not long lived but self seeds freely creating a perennial effect. Loved by bees and butterflies and typically left alone by deer. Cultivated varieties available in shades from bright yellow to deep red. Great for hot sunny slopes & erosion control. Actually prefers adequate moisture but only with excellent drainage. Otherwise, will not tolerate moist soils. Drought tolerant once established. Some varieties we carry include: Goblin, Spintop Red, Burgundy, and the Arizona Series. Native Blanket Flower AKA: Brown-Eyed Susan (Gaillardia aristata) is occasionally available. |
Sweet Woodruff
Galium odoratum H: up to 6" W: 24" to Spreading Part Sun to Full Shade Zone 3 Easy to grow groundcover for dappled light to shady areas. Prefers average to moist soils and good drainage. Produces small white star-like flowers in Spring. Lush green foliage takes trimming well and increases in fragrance when dried so is often found in potpourris and sachets. Usually untouched by pests or diseases. Pairs well growing around and amongst other perennials. Deer and rabbit resistant. |
Max Frei Cranesbill / Bloody Cranesbill
Geranium sanguineum H: up to 6" W: 12" - 24" Full to Part Sun Zone 3 Low mounding to mat form. Very adaptable, easy growing, clay and drought tolerant! Pink single blooms From Late Spring to Fall (especially with occasional shearing) Blooms are loved by butterflies. Will tolerate Part-Shade locations will less flowering. Deeply lobed foliage turns showy shades of orange and red in fall. |
Cranesbill / Perennial Geranium (Assorted varieties)
Geranium H: 6" - 12" (variety dependant) W: 10" - 24" (variety dependant) Full Sun to Part Shade Zone 3 Old fashioned favorite in colours ranging from white to pink to blue. Very adaptable, easy growing, clay and drought tolerant! Abundant single blooms From Late Spring to Fall (especially with occasional shearing) Blooms are loved by butterflies. Will tolerate Part-Shade locations with somewhat less flowering. Densely branched mounding form. Deeply lobed foliage turns showy shades of orange and red in fall. Some varieties we carry include; Alba, Biokovo, Crystal Rose, Himalayan, Johnson's Blue, Orion as well as purple leaved varieties: Dark Reiter, Midnight Ghost and Boom Chocolata. |
Sneezeweed (Assorted varieties)
Helenium H: 24" - 36" W: 24" - 36" Full Sun Zone 3 Upright form, producing abundant large showy blooms from Summer to Fall especially if deadheaded occasionally. Blooms are loved by butterflies and resistant to deer and rabbits. Prefers moist soils (hates dry soil) and is clay tolerant. Regular watering will improve flowering. Fairly low maintenance plant. Looks great planted en masse or in a naturalized setting with grasses and wildflowers. Some varieties we carry include: Moerhiem Beauty, Double Trouble and Ruby Tuesday. |
False Sunflower (Assorted Varieties)
Heliopsis helianthoides H: 36"+ W: 24"+ Full Sun Zone 3 Large upright perennial with flowers resembling sunflowers in shades ranging from bright yellow to red centered. Easy growing and very adaptable. Prefers well drained soils or moist but free draining. Will tolerate light shade but may flop. Blooms throughout Summer to Fall. Foliage ranges from green to purple to variegated dependent on variety. Lots of varieties available, a garden standby. Varieties we carry include: Venus, Burning Hearts, Summer Nights, Summer Sun, Lorraine Sunshine and Sunstruck. |
Dayliles (Assorted Varieties)
Hemerocallis H: 12" - 36" W: 12" - 36" Size is variety dependent. Full to Part Sun Zone 3 Versatile perennial, tough and exceedingly easy to grow. Self adapting to soil moisture. Drought tolerant once established. Relatively tolerant of clay and salt spray. Grassy foliage and showy blooms from SPRING until FALL in shades ranging from white to yellow to pink and bicolours too! We always have many varieties available. Some of these include: Stella D'oro, Ruby Stella, Summer Wine, Hyperion, Barbara Mitchell, Bela Lugosi, Big Time Happy, Burning Daylight, Catherine Woodbury, Chicago Apache, Eenie Fanfare, El Desperado, Entrapment, Franz Hals, Gentle Shepherd, Happy Returns, Joan Senior, Little Business, Little Grapette, Mauna Loa, Moonlit Masquerade, Night Beacon, Pandora's Box, Pardon Me, South Seas, Younique, and many more. |
Coral Bells (Assorted Varieties)
Heuchera H: 6" - 12" W: 12" - 24" Size is variety dependent. Full Sun to Full Shade (variety dependent) Zone 3/4 Mound forming with colourful foliage. Produces small bell shaped flowers above foliage in Spring. Prefers fertile, moist but free-draining soils. Benefit from a sheltered location and good snow cover in winter. Evergreen in warmer climates so leave foliage alone in fall and cut off dead leaves only in spring (do not chop off stem. Can be somewhat short lived but are worth the colour show. Often used in containers as an annual or for a pop of colour in the perennial garden. Some varieties we carry include: Palace Purple, Firefly, Sunrise, Bright and Breezy, Winter Joy, Dark Storm, Fandango, Neptune, Obsidian, Timeless Glow, and Black Knight. |
Hosta (Assorted Varieties)
Hosta H: 6" - 24" W: 12" - 48" Size is variety dependent Part Sun to Full Shade Zone 3 Garden favorite! Available in many different sizes and shades of green, variegated whites and yellows. Typically grown for foliage but most varieties produce lavender to white flowers (some are fragrant) generally in SPRING & EARLY SUMMER depending on variety. Relatively soil adaptable, preferring moist but well-drained fertile soils. Some varieties more sun tolerant than others. Notoriously late emerging in spring so don't count out too early. Always new varieties on the market. Some varieties that we carry include: Abiqua Drinking Gourd, August Moon, Avocado, Barbara Ann, Blue Angel, Blue Ivory, Brim Cup, Bullet Proof, Captain Kirk, Curly Fries, Elegans, Empress Wu, First frost, Fire & Ice, Frances Williams, Gold Standard, Great Expectations, Guacamole, Hadspen Blue, Halcyon, Invincible, June, Komodo Dragon, Loyalist, Minuteman, Patriot, Paul's Glory, Praying Hands, Rainforest Sunrise, Satisfaction, Snake Eyes, Stained Glass, Stiletto, Sum & Substance, Tortilla Chip, Twilight, White Feather, Whirlwind, Wide Brim, Yellow River, and more (if you can believe it!) |
Candytuft (Assorted Varieties)
Iberis H: 6" W: up to 24" Full Sun Zone 3 Low mound forming to trailing form. Prefers well-drained soils on the drier side. Will not tolerate poor drainage. Drought tolerant once established. Covered with clusters of bright and cheerful white blooms in Spring. Pollinator friendly and resistant to deer and rabbits. Somewhat evergreen in warmer climates so benefits from good snow cover in winter (so long as spring drainage is good). Can be a somewhat tricky grower for these reasons but in the right spot this plant thrives. Will tolerate light shade with less flowering. Great trailing over walls, in rock gardens, or for the edge of the perennial garden. Some varieties we carry include: Snowsation, Purity, Snow Surfer and Little Gem. |
German/Bearded Iris (Assorted Varieties)
Iris germanica H: 18" - 36" W: 12" - 24" Spreading over time Full Sun Zone 3 Robust blade shaped foliage and the largest blooms of all Iris's. Blooming in Late Spring / Early Summer with some earlier or later than others dependent on cultivar. Many varieties available in different shades with unique characteristics (fragrance, bicolours, size, etc.) Shallow creeping rhizome root system forms dense clump over time. Split clump when middle loses vigor/dies out. Easy to grow in fertile, medium moisture soils with good drainage, which is essential to prevent root rot. When planting; leave part of the rhizome (root) exposed flat along the top of the soil. May require staking for first season in a new location. Dwarf varieties are available, as well as variegated varieties known as Dalmation Iris's. Some varieties we carry include: Batik, Bountiful Harvest, Breakers, Harvest of Memories, Immortality, Pink Attraction, Raptor Red, Skyfire, Superstition and Victoria Falls. |
Siberian Iris (Assorted Varieties)
Iris sibirica H: 24" - 36" W: 12" - 24" Full to Part Sun Zone 3 Low maintenance, easy grower with sturdy grassy looking foliage and producing abundant blooms in Late Spring to Early Summer (slightly later than Bearded Iris). Many colours and varieties available. While drought tolerant once established, they are actually moisture loving, can even tolerate soggy or waterside/semi-aquatic conditions. Deer and rabbit resistant. Will tolerate Part to Full Shade but with much less flowering. Great planted en masse or somewhere that their dense graceful foliage will provide a backdrop to other plants even when they themselves are not blooming. Some varieties we carry include: Black Joker, Butter & Sugar, Caesar's Brother, Concorde Crush, Painted Woman, Uncorked, Ruffled Velvet, Snow Queen and Strawberry Fair. |
Spotted Dead Nettle (Assorted Varieties)
Lamium maculatum H: 6" W: Spreading Part Sun to Full Shade Zone 3 Low, spreading groundcover with variegated foliage and purple or white flowers (variety dependent) in Spring. Prefers fertile, medium moisture soils with good drainage. Drought tolerant when established. Dislikes high heat or humid locations. One of the few plants that will grow well under a spruce tree or in the dreaded "dry shade" site. Foliage colour ranges from deep green to gold all with some form of variegation often giving a silver effect overall. Shear lightly after blooming to encourage dense healthy foliage for the rest of the season. Best planted en masse or left to fill a space. Varieties we carry include: Ghost, Purple Dragon, Red Nancy, White Nancy and Golden. |
Shasta Daisy
Leucanthemum x superbum H: 12" - 24" W: 12" - 24" Full to Part Sun Zone 3b/4 Old fashioned favorite. Not to be confused with restricted weed; Ox Eye Daisy. Clump forming sturdy green foliage with happy white daisy-like flowers in Early to Mid Summer. Great long lasting cutflower. Prefers fertile, moist, well-drained soils. Will not tolerate poor drainage or soggy soils. Will tolerate light shade particularly in high heat areas. Deadhead to extend flowering season. Deer resistant. Great planted en masse or in drifts in a naturalized setting. Some varieties we carry include: Becky, Snow Lady, Alaska, Madonna and Real series (Glory, Dream & Sunbeam). |
Little Plum Lewisia
Lewisia longipetela H: up to 4" W: up to 10" Full Sun Zone 3 Grows best in a dry, well-drained, sandy soil. Requires excellent drainage and will not tolerate wet soils over winter. Evergreen in warmer climates so prefers good winter snow coverage in Edmonton, so long as spring drainage is good. Removing spent flowers will encourage rebloom, and improve overall appearance. Fleshy foliage and peach coloured flowers in Late Spring & Summer. Will not tolerate normal garden conditions but is fun to try in a rock garden. Drought tolerant once established. Does best if protected from the hottest sun of the day (when possible) but still receives morning and late afternoon sun. |
Blazing Star / Gayfeather
Liatris spicata H: 24" - 60" (with flower) W: up to 24" Full Sun Zone 3 Tall, clump-forming, easy growing perennial with grassy looking foliage and fluffy flower spikes in purple or white that bloom from the top down. Blooming from Summer into Fall (especially if deadheaded). Absolutely LOVED by bees and butterflies. May self seed in ideal conditions. Prefers average fertility and moisture but is relatively soil adaptable. Good cut flower used by local florists. Versatile in the garden, looking equally beautifull en masse in a naturalized setting as a vertical accent. Foliage turns attractive bronze in fall which pairs nicely with Fall blooming perennials and grasses. Varieties we carry include: Kobold (purple) and Floristan White |
Rayflower (AKA: Leopard Plant)
Ligularia ('The Rocket' & 'Little Rocket') H: 36" - 72" (with flower) W: 36" - 42" Size depends on variety Full Sun to Full Shade Zone 3 Vertical accent well suited to shady areas and moisture holding soils. Tolerant of excess moisture and clay based soils. Will only tolerate full sun with adequate moisture. Large leaves, either toothed or scalloped shaped (variety dependent). Produces tall spikes of bold yellow blooms in mid to late summer. Red/purple leaved varieties are available as well with more daisy shaped blooms. Green leaved varieties we carry include: The Rocket and Little Rocket. Purple leaved varieties we carry include: Othello and Britt Marie Crawford. |
True Lilies
Lillium x H: 18" - 60" (with flower) W: 12" - 24" Full to Part Sun Classic garden favorite available in countless varieties, even in our climate. New varieties becoming available every year. Lilies are surprisingly tough and other than occasional staking of large blooms need very little attention. Actually a perennial bulb, each bulb sending up one stem a year, each bearing multiple blooms (size and quantity are variety dependent). Bulbs multiply providing a larger clump of blooms each year. Deadheading does not encourage more blooming. Very soil adaptable; preferring fertile, well-drained soils with good soil moisture. Consistent soil moisture is important particularly when blooming (less so after blooming ends). Spent bloom stems can be cut back but not all the way to the ground, leave a substantial amount of stems with foliage to ensure enough energy is directed to the bulbs for next year's blooms. Unfortunately deer particularly like to eat lily bulbs and blooms alike. 4 of the main types of lilies that we carry include: Asiatic Lilies: (Zone 3) Earliest lilies to bloom in Early to Mid Summer. Upward facing blooms available in a variety of colours. Probably the easiest lilies to grow. Not very fragrant. We carry among others; the Tiny series of dwarf Asiatic lilies (Crystal, Moon, Ink, Rocket, Icon, Toons,) Tiger Lilies: (Zone 3) Bloom Mid to Late Summer. Downward facing/nodding blooms that are smaller but more abundant. Very reliable and adaptable lilies. Martagon Lilies: (Zone 3) Downward facing/nodding blooms in Early to Mid Summer. Heavy bloomers with sturdy stems. More shade tolerant than other lily varieties. Oriental Lilies: (Zone 4) Mid to Late Summer bloomers. Largest blooming and most fragrant lilies available. Many hybrids available with unique traits (double blooms, height, fragrance, etc.) Some varieties we carry include: Sunny series (Azores, Keys & Martinique), Casa Blanca, Stargazer, and Bud Light. **All above Lilies are susceptible to Red Lily Beetle** |
Perennial Flax
Linum perenne H: up to 18" W: up to 8" Full to Part Sun Zone 3 Airy sprays of clear blue flowers over finely textured arching foliage from Early to Mid Summer. Short lived but self-seeds freely in ideal conditions. Drought tolerant once established. Native to Alberta but often the cultivated variety Sapphire is available as well as the native variety. Great planted en masse or in drifts with other prairie favorites. |
Lupinus H: up to 36" W: up to 24" Full to Part Sun Zone: 3b/4 Very showy in bloom producing large spike blooms above fan shaped palmate foliage in Early Summer. Deadhead to extend blooming period. Available in many colours and usually as a mix although single colours available in some shades. Prefers a cooler garden location with organically rich, well drained soils. Attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies. Staking of large bloom spikes may be necessary in windy areas but flower stems are surprisingly sturdy. Relatively short lived but will self seed in ideal conditions. Air circulation is important to prevent powdery mildew. All parts of the plant are considered somewhat toxic when ingested. We carry Gallery and Tutti Frutti mixes and some single shades of each mix. |
Lychnis x arkwrightii H: 16" (with flower) W: 12" Full Sun Zone 3 Clump Forming perennial preferring moist soil. Somewhat short lived but will self-seed in ideal conditions. Large orange-red clusters of blooms all Summer over green to purple-bronze depending on variety. Attracts butterflies and is deer resistant. Closely related to Maltese Cross (Lychnis chalcedonica) and Catchfly (Lychnis alpina). Varieties we carry include: Orange Gnome and Molten Lava |
Creeping Jenny & Golden Creeping Jenny
Lysimachia nummularia (aurea - gold variety) H: under 4" W: Spreading Full Sun to Full Shade Zone 2 Easy to grow groundcover or trailing perennial. Comes in regular green and golden-green. Produces small yellow flowers (not particularly showy) in Early Summer. Very versatile. Can easily be used in containers and and hanging baskets as an annual. Prefers moist to average soils and will tolerate excess moisture/waterside location but do not introduce into natural waterways (can become a problem). Golden variety somewhat less aggressive. |